DAO-wide weekly meeting

Collaborate with other teams and update on the current state of creative projects to ensure design alignment across the organization.

MMM weekly syncs

Weekly syncs ensure everyone is aware of the bigger picture and can coordinate their efforts accordingly. Here is what is expected:

1:1s with John and Laura

These calls provide the opportunity to discuss general updates on current creative projects, as well as strategy and direction for the creative team.

1:1s with Brand Strategist

These calls provide the opportunity to discuss brand and project updates. They also facilitate the synchronization of the creative team's tasks with the company's overarching goals and objectives.

1:1s with Marketing Designers

The focus of these calls is less on design and more on practical aspects such as working hours, leave, and administrative duties. It also serves as a safe environment for designers to express questions and concerns, as well as their level of happiness in their projects.

Daily stand-ups with Marketing Designers

Connect with Marketing Designers to discuss ongoing projects and daily to-do’s. These 30-minute meetings help the team stay aligned and address any challenges promptly. They are great for coordination and ensuring designers don't get overwhelmed.

Find the daily agenda here!

Gitcoin Design Jams with Product Designers

These 60-minute conversations bring Product Designers together to discuss and collaborate on their designs. The main objective is to create a connection between marketing and product design, ensuring the successful incorporation of the new brand into the User Interface.