Key properties of a semi-permissionless and autonomous product design studio in web3

Deep Work Studio is a profitable business, built to design product prototypes for technical teams at a consistently high quality, while employing only independent contractors.

The semi-permissionless infrastructure allows for high flexibility of teamwork at a net operational running cost of approximately $1000/month (details on the legal setup). This includes a set of SaaS tools and accounting.

Below are some of the key properties of the organizational design.

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Decentralised project management

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Deep Work Studio is split into autonomous teams (i.e. “squads”, “pods”, “units”, “departments”), each of those having a representative who pays attention to resource management. Representatives can align how to prioritise resource distribution among each other.

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Decentralised Recruitment

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Contributors gather capability badges project by project until they can prove to their peers that they attained the entire skill.

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Attracting Self-Driven Talent

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High quality public documentation of required work educates attracts motivated contributors to the company by setting specific constraints and requirements for their function.

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Talent Retention

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Contributors are compensated with stablecoins for their specific contribution. Executing a function in the organization also issues the owner of a function a specific amount of governance tokens, which gives everyone the opportunity steer the organization based on their merit.

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Governance and Interpersonal Trust

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Collaborative workshops and “Soft Governance Sessions”, moderated by an expert facilitator support teams by rapidly aligning on a decision and delegating work.

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Mission-Driven Collaboration

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Alignment on the mission, vision and purpose of the organization helps everyone hold each other accountable of the common goal. Regular public Town Halls allow contributors to stay aligned continuously.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Deep Work Studio Branding →


Adaptability to Market Changes

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Agile helps teams produce high-quality deliverables faster by providing an iterative and incremental approach. By projectizing all work and only working with freelancers Deep Work Studio can rapidly adapt to environmental changes after project retrospectives.

Decentralised Quality Control

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After completing a project, contributors receive credentials from their collaborators which are visible on their public profiles.

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