Grants Stack is a new product that has not gone to market yet. Accordingly, this process is currently in development.

Understand MMM Meeting Formats

Review the structure of the MMM Meetings to better understand how and when to contribute:

Meetings @ MMM

Weekly Team Syncs

Participate in coordination calls

A large part of your job is participating in coordination calls. Discover more about these calls here:

Grant Stack Marketing Strategist Coordination Calls

Know your points of contact

Know who you will be interacting with on a day-to-day basis, what they are responsible for, and how to contact them in relation to specific project needs.

Some frequent points of contact are:

<aside> 💡 More information about the members of MMM and their roles can be found here:

Who’s Who? (Roles @ MMM)


Develop go-to-market (GTM) strategies

Before a campaign launches, you will need to develop a go-to-market (GTM) strategy. Utilize the GTM template to brainstorm and log timing, metrics, messaging, content planning, and required design assets. If time permits, conduct research on other organizations and the current landscape for grant campaigns. This information can be used to inform the direction of the GMT strategy.

Identify areas where support is needed in the plan, such as cross-functional collaboration and input on content, metric setting, and potential partnerships.

<aside> 💡 Take other Gitcoin marketing initiatives and taking into account external events (eg. holidays, launches, conferences) into account while strategizing. This can be aided by referencing the master content calendar for ongoing campaigns.


Support the Creation of Content Briefs