This process is currently in development.

Collaborate on Content

Connect with Content Ops, the Brand and Marketing Strategist, and the IRL Event Coordinator to brainstorm content and decide the timing for the release of logistical information.

Document the strategic plan in ClickUp, which will serve as the content calendar.

Collaborate on the Content Deck

You will receive a content deck from the Brand and Marketing Strategist that employs language and design elements discussed earlier. Review the content deck and provide feedback. Use this to inform the copy you create.

<aside> 💡 Using GPT can assist in content writing. However, closely check and rework all AI-generated content.


Repurpose and Create Copy

Look at the content from previous versions of the event (if applicable) to find successful tweets that can be repurposed. For the remainder of the content calendar, create copy for the social media posts. Additionally, collaborate with the IRL Event Coordinator to create copy for all emails.

Fill in or Request Flyer Templates

Use previous flyer templates from the event (if applicable) or submit a design request for new ones. Fill them out with the correct information for the present event.

<aside> 💡 If you have submitted a design request, make sure to stay up-to-date and respond quickly to requests for feedback.


Schedule Tweets

Once the content calendar has been finalized, use it to schedule the posts for Twitter. This includes the Typeforms for both attendees and speakers, which will be provided by the IRL Event Coordinator.

Manage Youtube Content

Ensure that all speaker videos from the event get uploaded to YouTube post-event.