Product launch and special occasion campaigns

For consolidated campaigns, such as product launches, use the Campaign Brief template in Clickup to design a campaign plan.

This brief outlines the campaign's objectives, timeline, requirements, and the relevant teams responsible for its execution.

There will be a meeting with the Marketing Team and Product Team to review the brief is discussed and refined. Afterward, the campaign brief will be shared with the design, content, and operations teams involved in the project. Weekly status check-ins are conducted, and MMM Ops assigns the campaign is assigned a specific number in ClickUp to track its progress. Attend the weekly syncs and advise from a branding and marketing perspective.

Maintenance campaigns

This process is currently in development.

Once a product has been launched, it will have ongoing campaign needs to meet business objectives. These campaigns are evaluated on a weekly basis. Look over the messaging and content for the week, ensuring it aligns with the current season and objectives. Determine what is needed in terms of emails, twitter posts, blog posts).

Track all information for the week in the Secondary Brief section of the Campaign Brief template in Clickup. Label it by season, product, and week (eg. Passport-Season 17-Week 4).