1:1 with Passport Marketing Lead

Schedule a weekly meeting with the Passport Marketing Lead to strategize and discuss Passport-related initiatives.

Passport Marketing Alignment

Participate in a dedicated call with Passport Marketing Lead and the Passport Success Product Manager to delve into Passport marketing strategies.

Allo Pod Meetings

Attend Allo Pod Meetings to provide advisory support through the lens of Gitcoins overall marketing strategy.

1:1 with Executive Director

Conduct a weekly meeting with the Executive Director to discuss overarching corporate and marketing strategies.

Ad Hoc Alignment Calls

Arrange impromptu calls as necessary to address brand-related concerns or specific elements of ongoing strategy development, such as alignment calls, research, and defining project scope.

Research and Impact Reporting Sync

Hold a weekly sync meeting with the Research and Impact Reporting Team Lead to align on direction from a marketing perspective, guiding discussions and offering input.

1:1 with Brand and Marketing Strategist

Participate in regular calls with the Brand and Marketing Strategist, leveraging their expertise to explore various topics. Occasionally, the focus may be on the Grant Stack, and alternatively, you may provide insights and recommendations in response to their inquiries.