Understand MMM Meeting Formats

Review the structure of the MMM Meetings to better understand how and when to contribute:

Meetings @ MMM

Weekly Team Syncs

Identify and Discuss the Problem

Identify a problem or inefficiency within the current process through communication and collaboration with team members. Talking to the people involved in the process to understand their experiences and gather their input on potential solutions.

Bring the Concern Forward

Bring the concern forward in the weekly workstream meeting or in a 1:1 with Jon. Determine the level of priority of the concern, taking into consideration tasks that may have higher priority.

Facilitate Solution Discussion

Facilitate a call where discussion of potential solutions can occur. Consider all the ideas and feedback, developing a solution that addresses the issue, improves efficiency, and enhances collaboration within the team. During this call, it is important to document the concern, use cases, stakeholders, and any proposed solutions. Tools such as Miro can be useful to facilitate discussion and create a documented record of the conversation.

Determine Solution

Based on the feedback received during the solution discussion, determine the best solution to meet the expressed needs. Run this solution by the relevant stakeholders to ensure it satisfies their concerns.

Some key considerations when updating processes are:

Document the New Process

Implement the change by updating the process documentation in Notion. Be sure to use the same documentation format used for the rest of the processes for easier navigation.

If the process deals with cross-stream campaigns, the processes can be updated here: