Over the course of a month, we worked on Akiya Collective (formerly AkiyaDAO) to streamline the house management process and reduce the administrative effort of scaling multiple houses. The following is a brief summary of our approach.
We’ve identified that most bottlenecks had to do with the owner (Michelle) being the only house manager.
Next, we listed all ongoing work and categorised it into groups and realised that we needed to clearer define the house management process and who can be responsible for it.
During this exercise we also realised that “management” should ideally be renamed to “stewardship” to avoid the expectation of a top-down decision making process. The House Steward’s role is to take care of all administrative tasks and create a space for wellbeing and well-balanced volunteering work.
In order to understand the requirements for the work, we planned a two-week sprint and focused on garden work, creating an auction for old items, how to use the garbage system, and ultimately the house stewardship.
During the work we kept documenting important parts of the tasks that will need to be reviewed by future volunteers and house stewards.