Understand MMM Meeting Formats

Review the structure of the MMM Meetings to better understand how and when to contribute:

Meetings @ MMM

Weekly Team Syncs

Know your points of contact

Know who you will be interacting with on a day-to-day basis, what they are responsible for, and how to contact them in relation to specific project needs.

Some frequent points of contact are:

<aside> 💡 More information about the members of MMM and their roles can be found here:

Who’s Who? (Roles @ MMM)


Manage Quarterly Budget

There are four accounting quarters and the annual budget is split between them. The incoming budget usually arrives in the first month of each quarter, in the form of Gitcoin. There are four accounting quarters and the annual budget is split between them. The incoming budget usually arrives in the first month of each quarter, in the form of Gitcoin.

  1. Conceptually split the budget into four swaps, to be made throughout a season. This helps avoid lowering the price of the token selling it in bulk.
  2. Determine the best times to swap by analyzing the price of tokens. CoSwap, Uniswap, and Etherscan are useful tools for analyzing token price. If there is a significant increase in the price of tokens, check the Treasury Management Policy for how to proceed.
  3. Execute the swaps. Typically, one or two swaps are done very soon after receiving the budget. This creates financial security in the multisig. The remaining swaps occur later in the second or third months. Sometimes both of the remaining swaps are made in month two. Sometimes they are split between month two and month three. This decision depends on the state of the market.

Prepare for Contributor Payments

Full-time and part-time contractors submit their hours on a Google Form every Monday. Full-time contractors are paid monthly, on the last Thursday of every month. Part-time contractors are paid weekly, on Thursdays.

  1. Export the information from the submitted Google Forms as a Google Sheets document. Save the sheet in Drive as "Utopia_date_FT" for full-time or "Utopia_date_PT" for part-time.
  2. There is a Google Sheets document with the compensation rates of each contributor. Once you have it open, multiply the total number of hours of the contributor by the rate of compensation and place it in the document that was exported from Google Forms.
  3. Check the feedback field. There may be notes about the contractor’s submission (for example, submitting additional hours because they were missed in last week’s submission) or about concerns (such as requesting more hours).