Understand MMM Meeting Formats

Review the structure of the MMM Meetings to better understand how and when to contribute:

Meetings @ MMM

Weekly Team Syncs

Attend Coordination Calls

Know your points of contact

Know who you will be interacting with on a day-to-day basis, what they are responsible for, and how to contact them in relation to specific project needs.

Primary point of contact:

<aside> 💡 More information about the members of MMM and their roles can be found here:

Who’s Who? (Roles @ MMM)


Design Sitemap

Collaborate with relevant stakeholders and the Web Designer to explore how the content and goals of the page(s) can be reflected effectively on the website. Explore the most effective way to arrange the page(s), which page(s) the content will be placed, and how the pages may link together.

It can be helpful to create diagrams to represent the sitemap. Make sure it is clear how many pages will be needed, their goals, their content and how they will connect. Once the sitemap is complete, the Web Designer who will use it for wireframing.

Setup Project in Notion

With the information from the sitemap, create a database in Notion with the goals, call-to-action, content, and primary audience of each page. Include a primary point of contact for the content of each page. Establish deadlines and the date the website will go live.