How we meet as a workstream

Once a week, currently on Tuesdays at 6pm UTC, the MMM team meets to surface, coordinate, and unblock our work. This meeting is not designed or intended to do the work. This meeting is not owned by a role, position, or "leader." It belongs to, and serves, the team.

Meeting Roles

This meeting is run by a Facilitator who guides the group, manages tempo and timing, cuts off unproductive digressions, challenges members for candor and clarity, and seeks input to balance share of voice. The purpose of this role is to hold the format—and they are not solely responsibility for the quality of the meeting. Everyone is expected to contribute to the quality of the meeting.

Meeting Format

The format of this meeting is inspired by The Ready's article about running effective meetings.

  1. Check In. (5 min.) In this stage, the team takes a moment to hear from everyone before jumping into the content of the meeting. Each team member answers a random question/prompt in a few sentences. Note: good prompts available at and * and*

  2. New Member Intros. (5 min.) In this stage, individuals attending their first weekly sync will have an opportunity to introduce themselves. Intros should be short and sweet. Individuals can introduce themselves in whichever way they want, and are encouraged to focus briefly on "who they are" and "why they are here".

  3. Community Dashboard Walkthrough. (20 min.) In this stage, the facilitator walks through sections of the current week's Community Dashboard, highlighting information from various sections including Highlights, Reminders, Metrics, People Changes, and Glimpse into 1-on-1s.

  4. Co-Created Agenda. (5-30 min.) In this stage, the team processes an emergent agenda of tensions and needs. First, the team builds a shared list of issues/tensions to process. Any team member with a need may simply add it to the list with a 1-2 word title. After voting with emojis on the agenda (max 1 vote per person, per item) the team works through the list, one item at a time, doing whatever is necessary to unblock the work. Common needs include requests to: take action, share or receive information, get help or advice, schedule time with other team members, prioritize or reprioritize work, or capture a tension for a future agreement. Note: team members can and should get their needs met throughout the week. Triage is a forum for the full attention of the group, and exists to ensure nothing slips through the cracks or remains stuck for longer than a week.