Understand MMM Meeting Formats

Review the structure of the MMM Meetings to better understand how and when to contribute:

Meetings @ MMM

Weekly Team Syncs

Team and Cross-Workstream Communication

Throughout a grant life cycle, you will coordinate with other MMM team members and across workstreams regarding objectives and key results (OKRs) and how they are performing in the context of website and blog engagement. It is important to communicate clear responsibility expectations. This will avoid coordination failures and redundancies.

Some frequent points of contact are:

<aside> 💡 More information about the members of MMM and their roles can be found here:

Who’s Who? (Roles @ MMM)


Improve Team Workflows

MMM workflows are cyclical and evolve with each grant round, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation to changing needs and opportunities. Throughout the cycle, look for areas for potential improvement, including ways to coordinate better internally, as well as with other workstreams.

At the end of each cycle, schedule a time to meet with other MMM team members and brainstorm solutions to each area of improvement. Tools, such as Miro, can aid in the collaborative process. Once everyone has agreed upon which solutions to move forward with, update or add the documentation for the new process in the MMM Notion.

See the Process Steward Workflow for more details!

Grant Life Cycle

Grant Round Preparation

Grant rounds are cyclical and follow a life cycle of preparation, execution, summarizing, and improvement. Based on the improvements agreed upon at the end of the previous grant life cycle, expand upon and continue to identify OKRs for the upcoming round.

All OKRs are found in .

Every week, there is an MMM team sync. During this call, provide data-driven information about which initiatives you believe are worth pursuing and which are not. Collaborate with cross-functional teams and gather their feedback on the OKRs for the next life cycle.

Grant Round Execution

Throughout the grant life cycle, monitor and support the ongoing initiatives and campaigns. Some areas that require frequent attention are: