Understand MMM Meeting Formats

Review the structure of the MMM Meetings to better understand how and when to contribute:

Meetings @ MMM

Weekly Team Syncs

Participate in coordination calls

A large part of your job is participating in coordination calls. Discover more about these calls here:

Marketing Director Coordination Calls

Know your points of contact

Know who you will be interacting with on a day-to-day basis, what they are responsible for, and how to contact them in relation to specific project needs.

Some frequent points of contact are:

<aside> 💡 More information about the members of MMM and their roles can be found here:

Who’s Who? (Roles @ MMM)


Supervising and Innovating Marketing Initiatives

Provide oversight, generate fresh ideas, and lend support to those handling marketing for various projects, while building strategic marketing foundations. Advise the leadership team from a strategic perspective in line with Gitcoin's overall corporate strategy.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Collaborate with across workstreams to align on strategies and roadmaps, focusing specifically on roadmapping. Once a roadmap is determined, begin thinking about budget:

Product-Oriented Collaboration

Oversee the strategic direction and brand management for each product, acting as a thought partner, sanity checker, and brainstorming ally.